Parish News

East Dean Flower Festival ran over the weekend of 20th/21st July and was a huge success. Celebrating the Olympics, flower arrangers from across the Valley Parish, and beyond, showed off their skill, and their imagination. As well as the flower arrangements, the ladies of the parish also ran refreshments in the Village Hall, offering delicious cakes and lunches.

The weekend raised £2000 for the Standing the Test of Time buildings appeal.

Harvest Thanksgiving 1st October 2023

An Evening with Ivor Novello 30th September 2023

The Reverend Canon David Nason entertained us royally on Saturday 30th September with music from Ivor Novello and an interesting history of his life and music. The audience not only got to hear some of his most well known pieces but also joined in with the singing. Raffle tickets had been sold before the performance began and over an after show drink, with canapes provided by the parish congregation, the draw was made. Prizes included membership of West Dean Gardens, signed books from the Repair Shop and a voucher for dinner at Bills in Chichester.

A total of £1200 was made to support our Standing the Test of Time fundraising appeal.

Remembrance Sunday 2022

Once again, The Valley parish came together to remember and give thanks for all those who have lost their lives as a result of wars and conflicts. At our morning service in West Dean, the church was filled with paintings that Beech Class had produced, reminding us of the scenes from war that so many people experienced. Pupils from the school also laid a wreath on behalf of the school, read the names of those on the Singleton War Memorial, and also read the Kohima Text during the Act of Remembrance.

At the RBL Act of Remembrance, pupils from Singleton School laid their wreath, and also read the Kohima Text. The Singleton School Wreath is now inside the church, at the War Memorial.

Our junior band at the Mothering Sunday service in West Dean 2022